Scientific papers I haven't been able to find
There are many scientific papers I haven't been able to track down. Usually these papers are older or foreign. I've listed some documents that I have been completely unsuccessful in finding and still want below.
I'll pay a bounty of $30 (negotiable) via PayPal for full copies of any of the high priority items listed below, $20 for medium priority items. Email me with a copy of the item to claim a bounty. I'll also provide a bounty up to $20 for non-trivial information that I'm not already aware of on how to obtain anything below.
Alternatively, if you could provide a paper/book/etc. or citation of a paper/book/etc. which contains a good summary of any of these items, I'd be appreciative.
High priority
H. Ashley and W. W. Boyd, "On choosing the best approximations for unsteady potential theory," in Proceedings of the colloquium honoring Hans Georg Küssner on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Göttingen, Germany, Sep. 1980, pp. 25-43.
Possibly only at a few German libraries.
D. Hartmann, "Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Tropfenbildung bei Dispergierprozessen [Theoretical investigations on droplet formation in dispersing processes]," PhD thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany, 1993.
Contacted the author and never received a reply.
Gassert, T. & Halbleib, A., 1988: "Messung der Anfachungsraten bei Instabilitäten von Flüssigkeitsstrahlen", unveröffentl. Studienarbeit, angefertigt am Fachgebiet Techn. Strömungslehre der TH Darmstadt.
Pfenning, M., 1988: "Experimentelle Untersuchung des Zerfalls eines Flüssigkeitsstrahles", unveröffentl. Diplomarbeit, angefertigt am Fachgebiet Techn. Strömungslehre der TH Darmstadt.
Prause, F., 1988: "Zerfall des turbulenten Strahles", unveröffentl. Studienarbeit, angefertigt am Fachgebiet Techn. Strömungslehre der TH Darmstadt.
L. Raynal, "Instabilite et entrainement a l'interface d'une couche de melange liquide-gaz [Instability and entrainment at the interface of a liquid-gas mixture layer]," Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 1997.
Any paper/book/dissertation/etc. that I am not aware of that has a non-trivial model of or experiment on the effect of turbulence intensity (or something equivalent like RMS velocity fluctuations, etc., or a good proxy) on turbulent jet breakup. (Swirling jets and jets with strong co-flows do not count.)
Medium priority
Cocks, J.K., 1968, Investigation into the effect of surface finish on the performance of monitor surfaces, E.C.L.P. Ltd., P.E.D. Internal Report.
E.C.L.P. refers to English China Clays, a company which no longer exists. I contacted the successor company but never heard anything back.
E. Foà, Sull'impiego della analisi dimensionale nello studio del moto turbolento — Seconda nota" ["On the use of dimensional analysis in the study of turbulent motion — Second note"], L'industria, vol. XLIV, no. 8, pp. 203-226, Dec. 1929.
The first paper in this series is not difficult to obtain, but the second appears to be at no library I've checked.
I. P. Kolchenogova, B. A. Khrustalev, and S. S. Filimonov, "Zamechaniya po stat’ye prof. B. M. Yakuba «Ob odnom napravlenii v teorii podobiya»" ["Comments on the Prof. B. M. Yakub’s article ‘On one direction in the theory of similarity’"], Tekhnika zheleznykh dorog, no. 5, pp. 14–15, 1953.
Sale, D. E., "Entrance Effects in Incompressible Diffuser Flow," M. Sc. thesis, University of Manchester, 1967.
W. Schmidt, "Turbulent propagation of a stream of heated air, Pt. I," R.T.P. translation 1653, 1943.
W. Schmidt, "Turbulent propagation of a stream of heated air, Pt. II," R.T.P. translation 1670, 1943.
B. M. Yakub, "Ob odnom napravlenii v teorii podobiya" ["On one direction in the theory of similarity"], Tekhnika zheleznykh dorog, no. 2, pp. 15–17, 1953.